Pages - Pages management -Settings
Accessing the Pages module
In the Pages tab in the left column of the site administration, you have access to the management of the Pages module. Several icons are displayed.
If the Users module is installed, other options for potential collaborators are possible. -See the documentation of this module.
1. Settings icon
This is the first step, which you will be able to come back to.
General settings : Check or uncheck the appropriate options.
Choose the display of the creation and/or last modification date.
Tip: Leave "Activate Reading Counter" checked, but choose whether or not to display it..
Menu boxes (New / Update) :
Set the default duration of the display. This can be changed individually for each page.
Choose the information format for New / Update: image type or text type.
Pages index :
Choose whether or not to activate this link at the bottom of each of your pages. Give a name to the display of this index for each of the languages of your site.
Index :
This Index can be displayed at the top of the pages and lists all the pages of a same category.
Specify a display width as a percentage of the page (from 40% to 70%).
Specify the maximum number of items (page titles) displayed, beyond which a drop-down list will appear.
Warning: This Index only works if the Menu Box that includes these items is set to "Category List" (-see the following document: Page Management - Menu Boxes :
Extensions :
If extensions such as Prism or Highlight (which provide code coloring) are installed, you can enable or disable them there.